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Who are we | Our expertise | Why we exist

We are two healthcare professionals who have worked in a range of community and hospital settings. We have cared among others, for people with dementia, learning difficulties, mental health issues, spinal cord injuries, neurological diseases and those at the end of their life.


We have both held registration with The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority and currently hold registration with The Northern Ireland Social Care Council and The Nursing and Midwifery Council.

We place equal importance and pride in being Mums, Daughters, Granddaughters. Our families have faced the challenges that every family faces. Looking after a loved one at the end of their life, rushing to grant their last wish of being at home, safely, with the care they need. 

Looking after a loved one for 10 years of a devastating spinal injury with all the challenges that presented.  

Helping care for a loved one with a dementia, keeping them safe at home for as long as we could and then reluctantly finding them a care home.  All this while working full time and looking after our children.

We aren’t superwomen, we are YOU.  We recognise the challenges that families face. We too have had loved ones whose dearest wish was to be in their own home and we know the difficulties that arise in trying to grant that wish.

Not every family has a healthcare professional, someone who knows how to navigate the healthcare system, so we are here to help you. In a time of stress, we know that our healthcare system is not always the easiest to understand, we are here to help you navigate the system, ensuring your loved one has the most support possible. 


We are here to help you get your loved one the care they need, when they need it and where they need it.

We have thought hard about what is needed and tried to ensure that we have a package that meets every need. 

Have a dog? No problem, we understand the special relationship you have with your furry family member and we are here to help.

Can’t change that lightbulb? No problem, we are here to carry out those minor household maintenance tasks that don’t seem so minor when you are wanting them done!

Need help getting out and about with friends? No problem, we are here to offer companionship and accompany you to events.

Want to stay in your home but a fifteen minute visit at 7am does not meet your needs?

No problem, we are here to devise a personalised package of care that will help you stay safe and well at home.

Need someone to stay with you at night? No problem we can provide either someone to sleep in your home or to stay awake through the night.

Need someone to slot into your family team to support in your final days? No problem, we offer 24/7 care to help provide relief to your family and allow them to spend meaningful time with you, secure that your care needs are met.

Quite simply we have tried to put ourselves in your shoes. We have tried to ensure we have a service that will meet every possible need you may have. So, from a helping hand to complete assistance with all your personal care needs – we are here to help 

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